“Homes Recently Listed in the Billings Area | Home & Garden - Billings Gazette” plus 2 more

“Homes Recently Listed in the Billings Area | Home & Garden - Billings Gazette” plus 2 more

Homes Recently Listed in the Billings Area | Home & Garden - Billings Gazette

Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:00 PM PDT

Live the country life but only a short 10 minute drive to shopping & restaurants! This spacious ranch style features 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, vaulted ceilings, main floor laundry, large lower level, and so much more! Main floor includes, plenty of natural sunlight, laundry, kitchen, 2 dining spaces, living area with gas fireplace, master suite with private bath with double vanity, 2 additional bedrooms and a bathroom. Enjoy all the extra space on the lower level, with space for a pool table, large family room with a pellet stove, bathroom, storage, and 2 more bedrooms! New AC unit, new roof, new gutters, 3 car garage, storage shed, and RV parking!

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EXCLUSIVE: Audio shows Governor Rick Snyder’s ‘fixer’ lied about warnings Snyder and his administration received on ‘toxic’ Flint water, attempted to pay off sick Flint couple, and the mystery of the stolen Flint pipe - Detroit Metro Times

Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:58 AM PDT

click to enlarge Flint resident Bruce Stiers made a habit of carrying a galvanized steel pipe with sludge and sediment rotting away inside of it. Former Gov. Rick Snyder's right-hand man, Rich Baird, took it and never returned it. - BRUCE STIERS
  • Bruce Stiers
  • Flint resident Bruce Stiers made a habit of carrying a galvanized steel pipe with sludge and sediment rotting away inside of it. Former Gov. Rick Snyder's right-hand man, Rich Baird, took it and never returned it.
Two days away from what Attorney General Dana Nessel's criminal prosecutors told Flint residents was the Michigan statute of limitations for new charges to be filed in relation to the Flint water crisis, Metro Times has obtained shocking audio from a February 2017 meeting between Governor Rick Snyder's right-hand man and top adviser, Rich Baird, and a sick Flint couple. The audio reveals alleged criminal activity by Baird — that Baird claims he told the governor about — as well as potential evidence that Governor Snyder himself had lied about what, and when, he knew about Flint's deadly water.

As VICE recently reported in a bombshell year-long investigation on the Flint water crisis cover-up that Governor Snyder allegedly presided over, former Flint water criminal prosecutors and investigators led by ex-special prosecutor Todd Flood were building a case against Snyder before their termination by Attorney General Nessel. VICE also reported prosecutors were investigating alleged attempts by Baird to pay off sick, publicly outspoken Flint residents with offers that included state-funded medical treatment, expanded Medicaid, and home infrastructure replacements for pipes and water heaters damaged by Flint River water.

VICE's report also had several other bombshells: Governor Snyder was allegedly warned about the hazards of the Flint River over a year before the 2014 water switch; Snyder allegedly learned about the deadly Legionella outbreak in Flint 16 months earlier than he testified to Congress; and according to ex-Flint Mayor Karen Weaver, requested that she get the late Rep. Elijah Cummings to "back off" from investigating him over the water crisis. Weaver also alleged Snyder "punished" her by withholding promised water relief funding when she wouldn't toe-the-administration-line that Flint's water was safe.

The first known alleged payoff attempt by Baird occurred in February 2017, weeks after Adam Murphy, an ill Flint resident who was suffering from seizures and cognitive impairment after drinking Flint's toxic water, was removed by police from a January town hall. Murphy's outburst drew media attention — weeks later, Baird, joined by army colonel Scott Hiipakka, state trooper B.J. Roach, and MDHHS' Sheryl Thompson, were in Adam and then-wife Christina Murphy's living room. During a nearly two hour meeting, Baird offered the Murphys to find a way for the state to pay for a holistic medical treatment, chelation, that could potentially extract lead from Adam's body. Adam and Christina allege Baird framed the offer as Adam potentially becoming the state's "lead poster-child" — if the treatment worked for Adam, it would be made available to Christina (after she finished breastfeeding), their children, and other Flint residents. He called it a "pilot program" and told the Murphys he would go back to the office and talk to his "best friend" — Governor Snyder — about the program.

Metro Times has obtained audio from this meeting — which according to Adam, he gave to Attorney General Dana Nessel's prosecutors in September 2019 (prosecutors were informed about Baird's meeting with the Murphys in July 2019).

There are several bombshell revelations Metro Times has gleaned from the audio, but none bigger than:

Early on in the talk with the Murphys, Baird said:

"I know people see it differently but at the top levels, at the governor's level, and his office, we knew there was a problem with the water but all the answers we were given were 'we got it under control, we just have to treat it this way, or we do this thing or we do that thing and it really wasn't until when Marc Edwards and Dr. Mona [toward the end of 2015], that's when it was clear that the water's not just stinky and discolored — when I drank it, you know, when I was 7-years-old you had you had to let it run for, I don't know if you guys have lived in Flint all your life, but, you know ... back when I was a kid my mom always said you gotta let the water run for a couple minutes because it kinda came out orange — but, then we realized, that clearly, it's [now] toxic. It's not just bad water."

This is a lie. In October 2014, Governor Snyder's environmental advisor and legal counsel Valerie Brader — who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard, obtained a master's degree from the prestigious University of Oxford, and graduated magna cum laude for her Juris Doctor from Georgetown University — penned an email on Oct. 14, 2014 warning Snyder's chief of staff Dennis Muchmore and other top officials about the "urgent" need to fully or partially switch Flint back to Detroit Water and Sewage in light of E. coli and cancer-causing TTHMs, being detected in the Flint River. Muchmore referred Brader to Baird, who VICE reported was known as Governor Snyder's "fixer," who had a conference call with Brader and then-Flint emergency manager Darnell Earley.

According to Brader's public testimony, she reiterated her serious concerns, only to be told that it would cost too much for Flint to switch off of the Flint River back to Detroit and that "health-based violations were likely to be remedied." As VICE revealed, Baird was asked about that conference call during a secret investigative subpoena interview he was compelled to testify in with special prosecutor Todd Flood (Snyder's chief of staff Dennis Muchmore and state treasurer Andy Dillon were also brought in for secret investigative subpoena interviews). According to Baird, he wasn't really involved in the conference call and was "checked out" and "multitasking." But that was also a lie; VICE revealed that Brader herself was also compelled to testify in a previously unknown investigative subpoena interview with Flood. During the testimony, VICE reported she broke down in tears, alleging Baird made demands during the conference call and threatened her after not to send another email like the one she sent pleading with officials over the "urgent" matter to switch Flint off of the Flint River.

Brader wouldn't speak with VICE, citing the ongoing criminal investigation, and Baird didn't respond to comment on Brader's allegation (or allegations by the Murphys and other Flint residents VICE spoke to). It's not only Brader's "urgent" warnings to Baird and other top Snyder administration officials over the Flint River's toxicity six months after the water switch that show Governor Snyder, Baird, and other top officials were warned that Flint's water was not, as Baird told the Murphys the administration was told, "under control," long before Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha and Marc Edwards blew the whistle in September 2015.

Three days after Brader's urgent Oct.14, 2014 plea to switch the city's water source from the Flint River, state drinking water chief Liane Shekter-Smith called state epidemiologist Susan Bohm. During the call, Bohm wrote via email, Shekter-Smith described a call she just received from Genesee County Health Department about the Legionella water outbreak. According to Bohm, Shekter-Smith attempted to stop the health department from going public with the conclusion that the Flint River switch was the source of the deadly bacterial outbreak — which state epidemiologist Shannon Johnson had hypothesized four days earlier — suggesting that it would "certainly inflame the situation."

There had been "numerous complaints about the Flint water" and the "Governor's office had been involved," Shekter-Smith told Bohm, according to Bohm's email. In 2019, PBS reported as many as 115 people in Flint died as a result of Legionella in 2014 and 2015 — many after that October 2014 email urging the withholding of warning to Flint and county residents about the Legionella outbreak.

Tellingly, according to VICE's reporting, during this October 2014 time period of Brader's "urgent" plea and Shekter-Smith's attempted thwarting of any public announcement on Legionella, Governor Snyder, his top officials, and the state health department were in active communication (Snyder didn't respond to VICE's questions). Brader's plea on Legionella, and Shekter-Smith's call on Legionella, were less than three weeks before Snyder was up for reelection. He was reportedly beginning to consider a 2016 presidential run.

"Potential criminality will turn on what he knew and when he knew it," Joey Jackson, a criminal defense attorney in New York, told Metro Times about Baird, adding that "establishing any crimes requires a mental state (knowledge) and establishing a specific act."

In the case of Baird, his comments to the Murphys suggest he had the mental state to know the history of the Flint River water being poor-quality, potentially dangerous water.

"It's clear the water's not just stinky and discolored," Baird told the Murphys. "It was discolored when I drank it, you know, when I was 7-years-old you had to let it run for...I don't know if you guys have lived in Flint all your life, but, you know, back, you know, back when I was a kid my mom always said you gotta let the water run for a couple minutes because it kinda came out orange. But, then we realized that clearly, it's [now] toxic. It's not just bad water."

This knowledge from childhood, coupled with Baird receiving the governor's environmental lawyer's warnings and "urgent" plea for Flint to switch off of the Flint River, will prove relevant in terms of any potential criminal charges.

"Did he 'recklessly endanger' the public by knowingly misleading them when he knew water was contaminated?" Jackson explained to Metro Times.

Richard Baird did not respond to Metro Times' request for comment on his statements to the Murphys or alleged silencing of Governor Sndyer's environmental lawyer Valerie Brader when she pleaded in October 2014 on the "urgent" need for Flint to be switched off the Flint River.

Baird told the Murphys that to be "frank," Genesee County Health Department was "laughable" and the state couldn't trust them to get anything done. The statement is pretty ironic considering it was the Genesee County Health Department that had called the state environmental department drinking water chief sounding the alarm over the Legionella outbreak in October 2014 — only for the MDEQ, MDHHS, and the Snyder administration to bury the news until 16 months later. VICE's reporting indicates Snyder allegedly was made aware of the Legionella outbreak in October 2014 — 16 months earlier than he testified to Congress.

While speaking with Adam and Christina, Baird said that he couldn't make any promises to Adam, but that "if we're in a position to help you, we should help you." Repeatedly throughout the conversation, when the Murphys tried to pivot the discussion to helping all of Flint with what the Murphys thought was a promising treatment (chelation therapy to extract lead from the body), Baird quickly pivoted back to Adam.

"I remember thinking I have to get them to agree to help everyone before they leave or I will never get another opportunity," Christina told Metro Times. "It was so frustrating watching them purposely start up new conversations to avoid my questions. My gut kept saying they won't listen because they have no intention of helping the city. But I thought if I could get them to admit Flint needed the treatment it would somehow happen."

Both Christina and Adam allege that Baird did promise to make the chelation treatment available to more Flint residents if Adam's treatment led to improved symptoms. Fortunately, it did: Adam said his seizures stopped and his cognitive functioning improved dramatically, to the point where he can once again hold his son and hold a conversation without his mind trailing off. But, unfortunately, as the Murphys reported to Baird and the state that the treatment was helping him, they received the "run-around" about making it available to other Flint residents, Christina said.

Baird's deal-making around Flint, that seemed to make private deals with the most thorny, publicly loud residents — as opposed to a larger Snyder administration program to help all residents — wasn't limited to the Murphys. Keri Webber, a Flint resident whose daughter contracted Legionella but survived, told Michigan Radio in 2016 that "they said something about, 'Well, we're going to work on yours and then see, and I said, 'No you're not. No. I don't receive relief until we all get relief."

VICE's story revealed special prosecutor Todd Flood questioned Baird about Webber during their secret investigative subpoena interview, the transcripts of which Metro Times is publishing for the first time with this story. Flood asked Baird if Webber ever received "cash from the state." Baird answered: "I guess I have to answer that." Tellingly, the conversation was then moved off the record for three minutes.

VICE's story revealed who Webber was referring to by "they" — the governor's right-hand man. "I told Baird to FUCK OFF," Webber told VICE, saying she accepted nothing from Baird or the state.

Leading Flint activist and resident Melissa Mays also had run-ins with Baird that she told VICE was Baird attempting to pay her off.

Mays alleged that at a May 2018 Flint water meeting in Detroit, a frustrated Baird asked her: "How about I do this: If I come in and replace your interior plumbing, your fixtures, the water heater, and your service line, would that make you happy and would that make you quiet?"

Mays rejected the offer, telling Baird she'd accept if the same deal was made available to all Flint residents, which prompted Baird to turn "beet red," according to Mays (Baird didn't respond to VICE or Metro Times' questions).

"He's a fixer, he's an old-fashioned fixer," a source familiar with the criminal investigation told VICE, adding that his method was "by any means possible: threaten, coerce, whatever, to fix these things for Snyder."

Baird's alleged misdeeds are relevant on their own merits, but they also beg the question: was the Governor's right-hand man freelancing when he attempted these alleged payoffs or did Snyder know what Baird was allegedly up to and approved of it? Snyder and Baird are long-time friends, with a relationship dating back to the 1980s, when Baird recruited Snyder out of law school for Coopers and Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers). Snyder returned the favor, hiring him out of retirement in 2010 to serve his administration. According to Adam Murphy and his now ex-wife Christina, Baird told them both that he was going to go back to the office and tell the Governor about Adam's treatment.

"Yea, definitely, he said he was going to go back to the office and run this by him [Snyder]," Christina told investigative news outlet Status Coup, adding that she has spoken to the Attorney General's office about the meeting with Baird. "The governor knew because he wouldn't say 'the governor's my best friend...I know that he said he was going back to run this by Snyder; I know when he left he said 'I'm bringing this to Snyder and see if I can get this pilot program going."

Snyder didn't respond to the Metro Times' request for comment.

Baird told the Murphys the state could take care of the payments for chelation treatment by framing it as a pilot program, saying, "If we were able...you know, one of the things I've found, not being a government guy, when you call something a 'pilot,' all of a sudden you can get things done that you couldn't get done before, and, so, my question is, if we say, look, we don't know the answer, but because we don't know, we're willing to go down this path, we ask for a waiver, we call it a pilot, we say find the $5,000 and we get approval for that to happen."

During the conversation, the Murphys repeatedly expressed concern for the struggles and health of other residents in Flint; Baird later told them if the treatment worked for Adam, it would be made available for other residents.

Baird even asked: "Is there a way to determine, as you start these treatments, are they telling you that there's a way to determine if it's working or not?"

We found no evidence anyone else in Flint was offered or received the treatment.

For years, the Snyder administration rejected activists like Melissa Mays and others who pleaded for more thorough EPA and state-funded testing to look for more contaminants than just lead and copper, including different forms of bacteria.

"I'm convinced that you guys have other problems here besides lead," Baird told the Murphys. "One of the reasons I wanted to come sit with you; you got a nice house, I don't know what I was expecting to see but clearly this is not the kind of the place that I would walk into and say 'no wonder you got problems, I'll bet this place hasn't been properly maintained for years.' That's not your home; it's hard for me, originally I told Sheryl, 'I wanted to go visit them and see does the environment look like it's conducive to causing a problem?'"

Baird also said "I don't have an answer for" why the state wasn't testing for anything in Flint's water outside of "microcontaminants and lead and copper."

As VICE reported, Baird was seemingly wheeling and dealing all over Flint, carving out deals with residents he thought posed a threat to Snyder. In a meeting with Flint resident Bruce Stiers, Baird brought up Adam's treatment, framing himself as a philanthropist.

"He was paying it out of his own personal pocket the expenses for her husband," said Stiers, a Flint resident who met with Baird in the spring of 2017 — soon after the meeting Baird had with the Murphys. Stiers has 33 years of experience in construction, including building waste water treatment plants, natural gas transmission lines, and tunneling 114 feet deep under the city of Flint.

VICE reported that text messages and emails showed Michigan Department of Health and Human Services was paying for Adam's chelation treatment for nearly two years. Baird did not respond to Metro Times' request for comment.

While promising to find funds for the state to pay for Adam's treatment, Baird told him: "If we could get your physical situation squared away, you know you can be the poster child for lead abatement."

Nobody else in Flint saw the poster — as far as Metro Times could find, the Snyder administration never went public on the success of Adam's treatment or made it available to other residents.

Flint resident Bruce Stiers — who Baird told he was paying for Adam's treatment out of his own pocket — made a habit of carrying a galvanized steel pipe (see below) from his bathroom around town with sludge and sediment rotting away inside of it (galvanized pipes can release more lead and its iron corrosion feeds bacteria like deadly Legionella).
click to enlarge BRUCE STIERS
  • Bruce Stiers

Stiers brought the pipe to a Flint water town hall in April 2017 and got Baird's attention. Weeks later, Baird's secretary called Bruce and facilitated a meeting between the two men in Flint.

Stiers showed up with his pipe; first asking Baird if he'd be willing to pour his iced tea through the pipe and drink through it with a straw because "that's basically what everyone here in Flint is doing with this."

Baird soon asked Bruce if he could borrow it.

"Bruce, he said, would you be willing to let me take your posters and this pipe back to my office and show this to the people who are working on this cause I think they would be interested," Bruce told Metro Times about Baird's alleged request to him.

Bruce agreed, but said he wanted Baird to make sure the pipe was sent to the lab to test the particles inside and report back to him what was found. But after he gave Baird the pipe, the next several months became an unsuccessful hunt to get the pipe back from Baird.

But Bruce told Metro Times that Baird stole the "evidence" from him; he called Baird's assistant repeatedly and was told "'yeah, I'm looking at it at his desk right now, it's sitting right there on his desk.'That was weeks and weeks afterwards [the meeting with Baird]; it just fell on deaf ears to try and get any of it back."

Stiers, like others who've previously gone public on Baird, told Metro Times that his impression was that speaking with Baird was the equivalent of getting an audience with Governor Snyder. He did not respond to a request to comment about the stolen pipe. Snyder also did not respond.

"I've been told by several colleagues and friends of mine that if you were talking to him [Baird] you were talking to Snyder; there was nobody closer or higher up the ladder or chain than Richard Baird. He shared with me [that they had] a long-term established friendship and business friendship."

Metro Times did not immediately hear back from Attorney General Nessel's office regarding the revelations from Baird and the Murphys' meeting — or whether the Attorney General plans on charging Baird, or anyone else, before the statute of limitations for felony misconduct in office charges related to the Flint water crisis in two days. After former special prosecutor Todd Flood charged 15 state officials with various felonies and misdemeanors — resulting in two judges binding MDHHS director Nick Lyon and Michigan's chief medical executive Eden Wells over to face jury trials for involuntary manslaughter over failing to warn Flint residents early enough about the Legionella outbreak — Nessel fired chief investigator Andy Arena, special prosecutor Flood, and dropped charges against the remaining eight defendants (including Lyon and Wells). At the time of the dropped charges, Nessel and her prosecutors accused Flood of having led a deficient investigation and having "grave concerns" over his team's "investigative approach and legal theories."

Ten months after dropping the charges, the Attorney General and her Flint water criminal investigation team led by Solicitor General Fadwa Hammoud have not filed any charges against state or city of Flint officials. Last week, Hammoud and Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy responded to VICE's bombshell Flint water cover-up with a statement claiming the criminal investigation is on track and we are delivering on our commitment to the people of Flint." They also suggested there was a "misconception" that April 25th is the statute of limitations for new charges to be filed related to the Flint water crisis.

"Criminal statutes of limitations vary depending on the offense and the date of the alleged criminal act," the prosecutors said. The statement is a bit of a reversal from their discussion with Flint residents at a June 2019 meeting; then, they told residents concerned over AG Nessel dropping charges against the remaining eight state and city defendants that they had nine months to bring new charges—citing the statute of limitations (Michigan's statute of limitations for misconduct in office, a felony, is six years; April 25th, 2020 marks six years since the original switch to the Flint River on April 25th, 2014).

State senator Jim Ananich and state representative John Cherry proposed legislation to extend the statute of limitations for misconduct in office from six years to ten years. AG Nessel has expressed support for the legislation. On Friday, Nessel issued a statement saying the investigation "has not — and will not be — impeded by time or this current public health crisis," crediting Hammoud and Worthy's "commitment to the people of Flint" being "as strong today as it was the day they up this important cause."

AG Nessel's office did not respond to Metro Times' request for comment on Richard Baird's alleged payoffs in Flint, on whether they have had the audio of his meeting with the Murphys since September, and whether they plan on filing any criminal charges ahead of the statute of limitations for felony misconduct in office ahead of Saturday's deadline.

As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages America, Flint has been hit particularly hard. Genesee County, of which Flint makes up 24% of the population, has a 10% fatality rate from COVID-19. Flint's cases make up over 40% of the overall Genesee County cases; when Flint Township is added in — which partially received toxic water from the Flint River — Flint and Flint Township make up over 50% of Genesee County's COVID cases.

Of the 405,813 residents of Genesee County, only 2,834 residents have been tested.

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Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:00 AM PDT

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We are here to serve all of our metro area customers. Sanitation and deep cleans available. And currently offering electro-static disinfectant fogger service. Call 404-640-1690 or visit www.Bamdjanitorial.com.

BBS Trailer Services
Hours: Monday - Friday 7 am to 5 pmWe offer all repairs on your dry van trailer. No job to big are small. Let us help you keep your equipment on the road. Call 678-789-6887.

B&J Hydraulics
Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We are here to serve your hydraulic needs. 770 428- 7029

Belco Electric, Inc
Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. as well as 24 HR Emergency in-Call Service
We are a family owned electrical service company and we have been serving both residential and commercial customers in Metro Atlanta for 48 years. We handle all service related calls and installations. Our electricians are specialized in working in completed homes and businesses. We are not new construction electricians. We take care of your problems and your home or business as well. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you. Call 770-455-4556 or visit belcoinc.com

Ben & Buds Landscaping & Ivy Removal LLC
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
While you're stuck at home are you now realizing a lot of your backyard is overgrown? We can tame that jungle. Get your lawn back! Hardscaping, sodding, overgrowth removal. NO CHEMICALS USED. Call 404-536-7346 or visit Benandbuds.com

Benefit Alternatives, Inc.
We are open and making sure our client's FSA and HRA Plans are running smoothly. Claims are being paid and our participants are getting their money! 404 326-8683

Ben Hill Renovations 
Hours: Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
For more information visit bhrenovations.com or call 770-949-3514. 

Best Linen Service 
Hours: Mon.-Sun. 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
2410 Franklin Blvd, Gainesville, GA 30504. Best Linen Service is a family owned and operated business offering a complete linen & laundry service for over 60 years. For more information on the services they provide call 770-682-9060

Breda Pest Management 
Hours: Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Address:742 Athens Hwy, Loganville, GA 30052. The Official Pest Control of Atlanta. We take care of termites, wildlife, pest control, and mosquitos. Visit www.bredapest.com for more information or call 770-466-6700.

BriteBox Electrical
Hours: Open 24 hours a day
Now offering No Contact Service! If you have electrical needs call BriteBox today at 678-364-2141 or book online and save 10% on repairs at BriteBoxElectrical.com. Call 480-341-4721 or visit briteboxelectrical.com

Boomerang Sanitation, LLC 
Hours: Mon.-Fri.  9:00 am-5:00 pm Trash Routes run Monday - Thursday 
Boomerang Sanitation, LLC offers residential trash service to Douglas, South Paulding and East Carroll Counties. For more information call 678-324-4246 or visit www.boomerangsaitation.com

C2 Plumbing Services 
Hours: Mon. - Sat. 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 
Certified Master Plumber able to handle any plumbing issue. Water leak to water heater replacement to plumbing a whole house, we can do it. For more information call 404-925-8942. 

C&C Fence Co
Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
We are available for new fence installation, repairs, gate operator installation and service, and temporary construction fence and gates. Our retail sister company, Lady Fencer is open for call in orders. Call 678-776-8673 or visit cncfence.com

Care4All Children Services, Inc
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
Care4All Children Services is a child placing agency for Georgia's children placed in foster care. Our mission is to strengthen families, one home at a time by providing quality foster homes for children. We are currently looking dedicated and loving foster parents. Call 678-749-9012 or visit www.care4allchildrenservices.com.

Capital Investment Advisers 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
For more information call (404) 531-0018 or visit www.yourwealth.com

Casteel Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, & Electrical 
Hours: 24 hours 7 days a week 
We are essential to your homes needs for all your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical repairs! Our technicians are sensitive to making sure they are taking the proper safety measures to ensure your safety as well as their own! Visit Casteelair.com or call 770-565-5884 for service and job opportunities!

Hours:  9:00am -5:00 pm 
Building outdoor enclosures for felines to keep your kitty safe while enjoying the outside fresh air and enrichment. Call 706-338-8488 or visit www.catiobob.com.

Centsible Cleaners
Hours: Mon-Fri 6 am-7 pm; Sat 6 am-5 pm
Fast reliable service, family owned and operated. Call 770 943 9555.

Clean Craft,LLC
Hours: Monday - Saturday 7 am - 5 pm
Clean Craft is focused on providing high-quality power washing, window cleaning, awning cleaning, deck cleaning and sealing to residential / commercial properties. Call 770-318-5934 or visit www.cleancraft.net

Hours: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. after hour emergency service available
Full service irrigation. Over 30 years experience. Residential and commercial. New installation all size jobs, and service. Call 404-432-5701

Compass Self Storage Duluth Ga.
Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30 AM - 6 PM, Sat 9 AM - 5 PM, Sun 10 AM to 3 PM
We are Easy and Convenient. Call 770-476-2500 or visit https://www.compassselfstorage.com/ 

Coolray Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical
Hours: Open 24 hours a day
Now offering No Contact Service! If you have heating, cooling, plumbing or electrical needs call Coolray today at 678-364-2141 or book online and save 10% on repairs at Coolray.com. Call 480-341-4721 or visit coolray.com

Country Fried Creative
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
South Atlanta's best digital marketing agency - branding, web design, social media, graphic design, email marketing, SEO, SEM, and more! #GetCountryFried Call 678-464-9016 or call countryfriedcreative.com

Creative Solar USA 
Hours: Mon – Fri 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 
For more information visit creativesolarusa.com or call 770-485-7438. 

Credit Union of Georgia 
Hours: Monday- Thursday 8am- 5pm, Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am- 1pm 
All branch lobbies are temporarily closed. Appointments are available for financial needs that cannot be completed online or through the Drive-Thru. Schedule an appointment online at www.CUofGA.org or by contacting us at 678-486-1111. Credit Union of Georgia has proudly provided financial solutions with value, convenience and exceptional service to the Community of Northwest Georgia for nearly 60 years. Experience the Credit Union difference today at www.CUofGA.org!

Crown Realty Group 
Hours: Virtual appointments 
Crown Realty Group is still available to sell or help you purchase a home. They will guarantee the sell of your home or they will buy it. Damian and Mayra are available to answer your questions on: home value, interest rates, home buying or selling , and can help you plan for home sale or purchase now or in the future. Virtual appointments, phone consultations, and safe showings available now. Visit www.gacrownrealty.com or call (678) 203-0090.

Crye Leike Real Estate Services
Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 5:30
We're open to serve all of your real estate needs. Whether you need to sell your home or purchase one, we're here for you! We have multiple offices throughout the city which are open and ready, willing and able to assist you during this time. We are Atlanta Strong! Call 678-240-2201 or visit cryeleike.com

CSI Erosion Control
Hours: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Raising up employees & clients "We all flourish". Call 678-523-3041

Dave Bradberry ceramic tile inc
Hours: 6 am - 8 pm
We are here for all your tile installation needs. Call 770-601-1031.

Deason's Heating and Air
Hours: Mon - Sat  7 am - 6 pm
We have been serving the Southside of ATL since 1988. We are offering $45 service calls to Hampton, McDonough, Griffin, Jonesboro, and Jackson. We are here to serve you in these trying times!!! Call 770-946-3842

Delta The Educated Plumber 
Hours: Emergency Service 24/7 
The Educated Plumber is taking precautions to prevent risk of spreading COVID-19 while still providing the excellent service that you expect with Hot water heaters, drain clogs, septic issues to plumbing emergencies. Offering phone quotes and no fees for estimates. Call 770-679-7705 or visit deltaplumbingatlanta.com for more information. 

Denman Locksmithing
Hours:  24/7
We are dedicated to serving you throughout the Covid-19 pandemic call us (404)904-2672.

Detail Water Testing
Hours: Mon -Sat 9 am -7 pm
Affordable drinking water testing service currently serving all of GA and SC. Call 678-315-5172 today or order online at detailwatertesting.com.

Dickerson Heating & Air LLC 
Hours: Mon-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Saturday and Sunday Emergency) 
Air Conditioning Service and Repair. For more details visit www.dickersonhvac.com

 Digital PictureHours: 9 am - 5 pm
Digital Picture is a family run business keeping its doors open to help the photographers out there get their images printed, so that they can put food on their table. Call 678-592-3036 or visit digitalpicture.com.

Dr. Roof
Hours: Open 24 Hours
Dr. Roof is Atlanta's only fully licensed roofing company. Holding a General Contractor's license, Dr. Roof never, ever cuts corners - from never rushing a job to be done in just 1 day, to reusing old parts of a roof to save dollars. Dr. Roof is the only roofer in Georgia to pass the Grandmother Test. Call 770-289-8803 or visit DrRoof.com

EMA (Electronic Maintenance Associates) 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. 
EMA provides medium voltage products and services to customers ranging from the small and local to the large and multi-national. No one, anywhere is better at drives than we are. For more information visit www.emainc.net or call 770-448-4644.

EMC Security 
Hours:Mon.- Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Address:55 Satellite Blvd NW, Suwanee, GA 30024-2166. Home security from just $16.95 per month. For more information on deals and services call 770-963-0305 or visit www.emcsecurity.com.

Everdry Waterproofing
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.; Saturday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.; 
Everdry Waterproofing serving Homeowners In Atlanta & Northern Georgia has provided quality service with over 80,000 successful waterproofing and foundation repair installations and satisfied customers since our inception in 1978. Call 770-845-8076 or visit everdryatlanta.com

Express Cleaners
Hours: Mon - Fri: 7AM to 7PM; Sat: 8AM to 6PM; Sun: Closed
As an essential business, we are open to serve all the garment care needs of our community. We offer free non-contact pickup & delivery, drive-up service, and in store-service while following all CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Call 770-623-6977 or visit expresscleaners123.com

Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Eyewear Repair Express
Monday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Eyeglass frame Repair/ Lens replacement / Optical Exams. Most repairs are same day service. Call 404-486-0603 or visit eyewearrepair.com

FairBanks Lawn and Construction Services
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 6 pm.
Fairbanks Services offers hassle-free lawn care and maintenance programs designed to simplify your life. Proudly serving the Smyrna, Georgia area for the past 15 years, you can rest assured knowing that your lawn will be professionally manicured on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. All of our outdoor service technicians have thousands of hours of experience and can tackle anything from the smallest town home garden beds to the largest outdoor oasis. we are also a general contracting company that services all of metro Atlanta. We provide residents with Insured, Licence and Bonded General Contracting Services. Call (678)-305-0444 or visit https://www.fairbanks-services.com/outdoor-services 

Faye Coffield Investigations
Hours: Flexible
We provide: 1. Criminal defense investigations for attorneys. 2. Armed Security Services 3. Background investigations. Call 770-484-6247 

Filter for Industry
Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Supplier and manufacturer of commercial and industrial filtration products, HVAC filters, Roll media, Hydraulics, Compressed air (etc). Call 706-253-7222

Final Touch Flooring Group
Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9 am-5 pm; Saturday appointment only for time being.
We will work with you if your house is in need of repairs or remodeling. We don't want you walking on subfloor any longer. Give us a call it's free for us to give you a quote on any flooring needs! Call 770-709-1092 or visit www.finaltouchflooringacworthga.com

Fire Systems, Inc. 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. 
As an essential life safety services company, Fire Systems is remaining fully functional during this coronavirus emergency. We are still servicing all types of fire protection systems including sprinklers, fire alarm, clean agent, and fire extinguishers. We thank you for your continued business. Family-owned, family-operated. Since 1986. For more information visit www.firesystems.net or call 404-354-0400. 

Five Star Painting
Hours: 8 am-10 PM (to call for an estimate appointment)
Five Star Painting provides high quality residential and commercial painting services throughout the Atlanta Metro area at reasonable prices. Call to set up an appointment. Each office is locally owned and operated. Call 404-418-4858. To schedule on line, go to: https://www.fivestarpainting.com/schedule-estimate/ or check us out at: fivestarpainting.com

Flooring Atlanta 
Hours: Mon – Fri: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Sat: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 
For more information call (678) 387-5110.

Floor Coverings International-Brookhaven
Please call us anytime, 24/7. Appointments available at your convenience, including evenings and weekends.For more information visit flooringcontractorbrookhaven.com or call 770-337-3390.

Flooring Makeovers
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 am-6 pm
We are here to be of service to the Atlanta, area. We provide All flooring services. Hardwood, Laminate, Carpet, LVT and Tile. Call 678-528-8617 or visit www.flooringmakeovers.comwww.flooringmakeovers.com

Florida Tile, Inc. 
Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 
Supplier of US made porcelain tile and setting materials. High quality. Competitive prices. Everything the professional installer or the DIYer needs to complete tile installation projects both commercial and residential. Design and technical consultations available as well. For more information call 678-237-2908 or visit https://www.floridatile.com/.

Foundation Worx
Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We are open to serve your foundation repair and waterproofing needs. Call 404-662-2445 or visit foundation-worx.com

Four Seasons Landscaping 
Hours: Mon. - Sat. 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. 
Full service lawn care and landscaping grading ,sod, mulch, etc. we do it all and are servicing east side of Atlanta. For more information call 678-438-3817.

Frady Heating and Cooling
Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Frady Heating and Cooling is a full-service HVAC company in Canton, GA. We service all brands of equipment, and we'll take our time to inspect and service your heating and cooling unit. We offer many installation and repair services as well as Indoor Air Quality & Virus Protection for your HVAC system. Call Today! We serve the Cobb, Cherokee, and North Fulton counties in North Georgia. Call 678-502-8668 or visit fradyair.com

G Force Plumbing, LLC
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 5 pm/ 24 Hour Emergency Service
We are a family owned and operated residential Plumbing Service company. For 10 years we have served metro Atlanta with quality, care and pride. During Covid-19 we take extra care entering your home, we make sure to take precautions such as social distancing (no handshakes), wearing masks, gloves & shoe covers and changing our uniforms between customers. Call 770-271-5700 or visit www.gforceplumbing.com

G.F.C. Painting & Renovations
Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Interior/ Exterior Painting. Drywall, Pressure Washing, Deck Staining and more. Free Estimates. Call 404-913-5928 or visit gfcpainting.net

G&H electrical contractors
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. After hours available for emergencies.
We are open for business. We are taking all precautions to keep our customers safe and our electricians safe. Call 770-489-0001 or visit gandhelectrical.com

Gee Heating and Air
Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We are here to serve. Call 770-503-6910 or visit GeeHVAC.com

Georgia Green Box 
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. 
We are a retail store that specializes in once used recycled moving and shipping boxes and supplies. For more information or to place an order visit georgiagreenbox.com or call 770-672-6390.

Georgia's Best Blinds & Shutters
Hours: Mon-Sat 9 am - 5 pm
We offer Free in-home estimates on custom blinds, shutters shades. Free measuring & installation. Taking all precautions possible. Call 678-756-2222 or visit www.blinds-shutters.com.

Germinator Mobile Sanitizing
Hours: 6 am - 10 pm
We kill 99.9999% of all germs. We then spray a shield that protects against germs for 3+ months. Call 919-605-2041 or visit germinatordurham.com.

GLM Sod and Landscape Materials 
Hours: Mon-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. 
GLM Sod and Landscape Materials sells sod and landscape materials including topsoil, garden mixes and mulch. For more information visit www.glmsod.com or call 770-664-8200.

Grey Fox Renovations LLC
Hours: Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Grey Fox Renovations is a morally driven residential construction company. We put emphasis on integrity, quality work and customer satisfaction. 678-832-5208

Gotcha Covered Floor Covering
Hours: Always available for calls.  Showroom hours M-F - 8-5;  Saturday - By appt only
We are a full service flooring contractor ready to help clients find the proper solution for their flooring needs. Call 678-214-5351 or visit www.gotchacoveredga.com.

Gymnetics FitnesssPrivate fitness studio founded in 2010 by mother-and-daughter fitness duo, Ellen and Lana Ector. Use THREE custom fitness videos and the #ECTORcise 30 Day Meal Plan to complete the Gymnetics Fitness Black Girls Workout TOO! #Quarantine15! BODY CHALLENGE. Learn more here.

H2O Electrical 
Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 
H2O Electrical services all your electrical needs. For more details call 404-391-9510. 

H&W Solutions
Open 24 hours a day
H&W Solutions delivers solutions for multi-location corporations looking for innovative techniques to project their brand message. Attaining meaningful results is our goal. We do the heavy lifting to reach your target audience with something memorable. Call 404-384-8189 or visit hwsolutions.com

HBP Water Heaters
Hours: Mon. - Friday 8 am - 5 pm; On call after hours and weekends.We repair, install and maintain water heaters, boilers for both residential and commercial applications. Call 404-363-8000 or visit hbpwaterheaters.com.

Hahn Roofing and Restoration
Hours: 24 Hours
Call 404-820-9626 us for all of your roofing needs. We specialize in storm damage as well!

Heaven & Alvarez CPAs
Hours: M-F 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
We are open but respecting social distancing. We can help with tax filings, PPP loans advice, accounting and business consulting. Call 770-849-0078 or visit www.heavencpa.com

Hours: 7am to 6pm, plus 24hr Emergency Service
We are a family owned electrical service company and we have been serving both residential and commercial customers in Metro Atlanta for 18 years. We handle all service related calls and installations. Our electricians are specialized in working in completed homes and businesses. We take care of your problems and your home or business as well. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.Call/Text 770-283-9694.

Hoffman Financial Group
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 7p.m.
PLAN FOR FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. Call (888) 239-5880 or visit hoffmancorporation.com

Home Nature Atlanta
Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
We're open to handle any home repairs from driveway resurfacing, foundations, painting to updating kitchens and baths. Call 678-925-919.

Honey Do's R Us
Hours: Mon. -  Fri, 9 am -6 am; Saturday 9 am -2 am 
Honey Do's R Us is a personally owned home remodeling and renovation company located in Fayetteville, Georgia, specializing in home repairs and general maintenance. Our prices are always fair and our estimates are free so please let us know how we can help. Call 404-449-2443

Hullaway, LLC
Hours: M-F 8 am - 5 pm
We are a full service junk removal company founded in 2009 based in Smyrna, GA. We remove unwanted furniture, debris, items in basements or garages, and offer interaction-free, curbside pick-ups during the pandemic. We all wear masks and use gloves and hand sanitizer. Call 404-380-9395 or visit www.hullaway.com

Hydro Force LLC
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
We are a commercial and residential pressure washing and exterior cleaning company serving Fulton, Hall, Forsyth, Dawson, Lumpkin and Gwinette counties. Call 678-562-5326 or visit https://www.teamhydroforce.com/.

Innovative Appliance 
Hours: Mon- Thurs 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. 
Office is working from home so please use email. Luxury appliance service and installation. Visit innovative-appliance.com. 

Installed Building Products
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We install Insulation (all types), Gutters, and Metal Roofing. Call 404-805-4083 or visit installedbuildingproducts.com

Irrigation Specialist llc.
Hours: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Lawn Sprinklers, Repair, Service & Installation of Irrigation Systems, Pumps, Wells, Drainage & Outdoor lighting. Call 770-527-7278

J. H. Heath Tree Service
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tree removal. Tree pruning, ornamental tree and shrub pruning and fertilizing. Call 404-261-5000 or visit Heathtreeservice.com

J. Henry Designs
Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm; Saturday by appointment
We are a full service kitchen and bath remodeling company. From concept to completion we are with you every step of the way. Our process includes 3D renderings and floor plans so you can visualize your completed project. Call 770-713-7023.

J&M locksmith incHours: 8 am - 10 pm; Emergency 24/7
Call 404-824-3777 or visit jm-locksmith.com.

J&M Roofing, Inc
Roofing is an essential business and we are here to help assist with leaks and replacements.Call 770-292-9054 or visit Jandmroofing.com

Jackson Trail Landscaping
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 430 pm till 8 pm,  Sat. 9 am to 8 pm
Call 678-898-4779

John Wieland Homes - The Mews at North Decatur
Hours: By appointment only
Virtual Appointments Available via Microsoft Teams. Where Southern grace meets a unique sense of chic, The Mews is the ideal neighborhood– distinctive new townhomes in Decatur. Traditionally inspired, masterfully detailed exteriors are met with innovatively planned, artfully finished interiors. The Mews at North Decatur townhomes boast a desirable intown address, open concept with gourmet kitchen on the main level and loads of privacy on the upper level - where a spacious owner's suite awaits. Call 678-358-9510 or visit JWHomes.com  

Johnson Hopewell & Coleman Attorneys 
Hours: Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
For more information visit www.jhclawyers.com or call 404-289-2244.

Just Better Plumbing 
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm,  closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 
Your family's safety and health is our concern. We keep a close eye on our technicians making sure they take their temperature daily, wear masks, gloves and keep them stocked with all kinds of sanitizing products. But the beauty of all of this is that we were doing this before COVID-19, because like we said, your family's safety and health is important to us. Please be patience as we are trying to service everybody in a timely manner. Thank you from our family to yours. Call 770-872-8372 or visit www.justbetterplumbing.com

Junk B Gon
Hours: M-F 9 am - 4 pm; Sat 9 am-Noon
Looking for a dumpster or trash bin today? Economically priced, we deliver and dispose of all trash when it's ready. Leave it to Junk B Gon for all of your junk and waste disposal needs. Call 7700990-7575 or visit www.junkbgon.com.

JWC Real Estate 
Hours: Mon - Sat. 9 am to 8 pm ; Sun. 1 pm to 8 pm
We are showing homes for buyers and listing homes for sellers. We have a listing discount until July 31st, 2020 call 404-438-2392 for details.  

Kelly+Co Real Estate Advisors with Keller Williams
Hours: 8 a.m. -9 p.m.
Whether you want to move now or later in the year Kelly+Co can meet with you in person or virtually to discuss your goals and a plan. Kelly+Co offers flexible commissions, sell your home yourself and pay nothing and even cash offers for those that need a quick closing. Call 404-606-2219 or visit kellycohomes.com

Kendall Electrical Services, Inc. 
Hours: Mon - Fri. 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 
Full service commercial electrical contractor in business for 30 years with an A+ rating with the BBB! For more information visit www.kendallelectricalservices.net

Kingdom Services Handyman Repair LLC
Hours: 8 am - 4pm
Call 678-588-9702

KLM Painting
Hours: 8 am-5 pm
We are still doing exterior estimates and exterior Painting. Call 770-977-6222 or visit www.klmpainting.com

Kregs custom carpentry
We are open and we make custom builtins, bookcases, wine bars, trim and tiki bars ! Give us a call and we are ready to rock and roll. Call 770-401-9211 or visit Builtinking.com.

LDI Printing & Signs
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Printing and sign shop. If you can think it, we can print it. Call 770-663-6446 or visit ldiline.com

LGE Community Credit Union 
Hours: M - F: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET 
You can bank with LGE Community Credit Union 24/7 via digital banking from your computer or phone. All branches are open from Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Saturdays. Service in branch lobbies available on weekdays by appointment only for certain transactions. Service via branch drive-thrus available on weekdays during normal hours at our Austell, Hiram, and Marietta locations. Contact Center hours for our in-house member service team are M - F: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, Sat: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET.at 770-424-0060 or visit www.lgeccu.org.

LKS Architects, Inc. 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. 
Architect and designers for commercial and residential renovation & addition projects; preplan your new beautiful environment for when things get rolling again! Call 770-393-1125 for more information on the services provided during COVID-19.

Laundry Lounge
Hours: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Coin Laundry - Wash-Dry-Fold - Dry Cleaning. Call 404-876-3517 or visit Laundryloungeatlanta.com

Lightning Bug Electric 
Hours: 24/7 
Lightning Bug Electric is your one stop shop for residential, commercial, and light industrial electrical work. We are family owned and operated. For more information on services provided and job opportunities visit www.lightningbugelectric.com or call 770-792-9790.

Litner + Deganian
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM–5:00 PM
The health and safety of our team and clients are our primary concerns, so we're making a change in the way we conduct business. We will still be working diligently on your case, but instead of visiting with you in the office, we'll be conducting client and prospective client meetings via phone call or email. 
Please feel free to contact any of the Litner + Deganian team members if you have any questions at 678.956.8500 or visit www.litnerlaw.com.

Loving Touch Animal Shelter 
We're still open! Full-service veterinarian. As an essential business, we are here to help you care for your pets during this time. 
We are offering car-side and telemedicine. We are also working on getting video conferencing setup so you can continue to shelter at home. As a reminder, our hours are: Monday 9-2, Tuesday 9-6, Wednesday CLOSED, Thursday 9-6, Friday 9-2, Saturday 9-12, Sunday CLOSED.

M&J Cole Remodeling and Repair, LLC.
Hours: 6 am - 9 pm
We are local small business that provides siding and cornice, decks, framing, repairs with over 30 years experience. Licensed and insured. We are open for your home and construction needs.Call 770-780-7084.

Mail Copy of AmericaHours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Trust Mail Copy for all your shipping and printing needs. We are offering 15% off UPS and FedEx Ground Shipping. Call 770-422-8115 or contact@mailcopyofamerica.com 

Maple Leaf Lawn and Pest
Hours: 7 am - 6 pm
We are here, and open for business for our current customers as well as those who want to become customers. We are adhering to all CDC guidelines and will in the future as well. Call (770) 845-0558 or visit mapleleaflawnandpest.com

Mark Spain Real Estate 
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Mark Spain Real Estate is now doing virtual listing appointments and their Guaranteed Offer allows you to skip the showings and open houses. For more information or to schedule a virtual tour visit www.MarkSpain.com or call 1-855-299-SOLD (7653).

Mason Tractor 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Tractors, mowers, lawn equipment, parts. They offer pickup and delivery. Visit www.masontractor.com for more information.

Master Building Services 
Hours: Call 770-560-9152 or visit www.masterbuildingservicesinc.com for hours. 
We are a 56 year old,family owned commercial janitorial company located in Tucker. We are continuing to serve our customers and we are offering disinfecting services as well. We are using hospital grade disinfectants and will soon be deploying electrostatic disinfection equipment to do a more thorough job of disinfecting.

McDowell Cleaners 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. 
We are open and ready to provide dry cleaning and laundry services to you during this tough time. For pick-up and drop-off locations call 404-308-0115 or visit mcdowellcleaners.com.

Media Graphix
Hours: Mon - Fri 6 am to 5 pm 
Full service offset and digital printer. We specialize in high quality, quick turnarounds for all you printing needs. For free estimates please Call 770-447-0702 or visit https://www.mediagraphix.com.

Meer Electric Inc.
Hours: 7:30am until 5:30pm
We are open for Business and all our employees are taking all precautions. Call 770-993-8028

Hours: Open 24 hours a day
We are still operating our bus schedules to Chicago, Memphis, Jacksonville, Orlando, Charlotte, and Washington, DC. Call 404-788-1485 or visit megabus.com

Meridian Geomatics
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We are here for all of your surveying needs and project developments! Call 404-316-9929 or visit meridiangeomaticsatl.com

Merry Maids
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm
We are in this fight to serve our communities. Our standard of safety is higher than the recommendations of the CDC. Our team members not only disinfect high touched areas in homes. Our equipment is disinfected before and after each cleaning, and that includes between homes. Gloves-Shoe Covers and mask is provided to ensure safety of our team members as well clients. Call 770-602-2900 or visit https://www.merrymaids.com/

Metrogas and Plumbing Installations

Mobility Works
Hours: Mon. - Friday 8 am - 5 pm
We sell and fix wheelchair accessible vans. Call 470-865-6560 or visit mobilityworks.com.

Montlick & Associates 
Hours: 24/7 (by phone) 
If you've been injured, we're open and here to help. Contact us 24/7, including holidays for your free consultation. Call 1-800- LAW- NEED (1-800-529-6333) or visit www.montlick.com.

Moran Realty Group/Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Perimeter
Hours: M-F 9-5 pm, other times by appointment
Metro Atlanta real estate is still going strong! Call 770-591-0627

MPG online
Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
MPG online is open for to help you with IT/Network support like telecommuting! Call 678-496-3397 or visit mpg-online.com

Mr. Handyman of Roswell, Alpharetta and Johns Creek 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. 
We are still open taking care of maintenance and improvements to your home or business. We can help you out with that list of things in your home that need to get fixed. We follow proper safety procedures with a no touch process to make sure you are safe. Call us at 770-284-4300 or visit our website

Mr. Plumber Atlanta
Hours: Open 24 hours a day
Now offering No Contact Service! If you have plumbing needs call Mr. Plumber today at 678-364-2141 or book online and save 10% on repairs at MrPlumberAtlanta.com. Call 480-341-4721 or visit mrplumberatlanta.com

Nadler Biernath, LLC
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
During this challenging time, we'd like to take a moment to update you all on our office and the work we're continuing to do. We have closed down our office to keep you and our staff safe. Moving forward, all March and April meetings will be virtual. 
We also believe that planning is more important than ever right now. While we can't control many of the outside circumstances we're all facing, Nadler Biernath can help give you peace of mind. Now is a good time to get your estate planning started and be sure that your older or special needs loved ones are cared for. Call 770-658-4790 or visit nadlerbiernath.com

Nelson Exteriors
Hours: Mon. - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm
Call 678-283-8171 or visit nelson-exteriors.com/.

New leaf arbor
Hours: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
From pruning to tree removal. Call 770-900-8255

Next Door Relocators, LLC
Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
We are a full service moving company. Our rates are $95.00 for two movers and a 28ft truck and $110.00 for 3 movers and $130.00 for 4 movers.Your savings is in the speed in which we move you and your family. We arrive in one of our 28 ft trucks with all the tools for disassembly of all your furniture, along with heavy duty dollies, 100 plus blankets and wrapping at no additional cost to you. TIME IS EVERYTHING! Call 404-942-8425 or visit nextdoorrelocators.com

Odditees Printing
Hours: 9 am-6 pm
Screen printing and graphic design. Call 770-401-5977 or visit odditeesprinting.com

On The Spot Mobile Grooming LLC
Hours: Mon. - Friday 10 am - 5 pm; Sat. upon request
We here at On the Spot Mobile Grooming LLC are OPEN for business during quarantine. Your pets health is always essential. Call 678-521-4343 or visit onthespotmobile.net.

Pak Mail
Monday - Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.; Saturday: 9:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Located at 4920 Atlanta Highway in Alpharetta. Ship via FedEx, UPS, USPS, DHL. Shredding, Notary service, copies, faxing, scanning and more. Call 770-664-7808

Paley Landscaping
Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm
Paley Landscaping is your source for all your lawn and landscaping needs. Lawn care, Landscaping, Annual flower installation, mulch, sprinkler installation and repair, drainage solutions and more. Call 404-320-6737 or visit http://paleylandscaping.com/

Hours: 7 am - 7 pm
Service of Process continues in all existing court cases. Some Sheriff's are only serving criminal warrants, so private process servers are required for serving civil cases. Call 404-702-4437 or visit www.thepapersserved.com.

Parker Young Construction 
Hours: 24/7/365, Office Hours: 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. 
We are in mitigation and reconstruction business for restoration after bio attacks (including COVID-19), mold, asbestos, fire, water, smoke damage. Customers include Hospitals, Government, Commercial, and residential homes. We are available 24/7/365 at 770-368-1000 | www.parkeryoung.com.


Patriot Restoration
Hour: 24-hr Emergency Services
Contact Patriot Restoration for all damage restoration needs including: Water damage restoration, Mold damage restoration, and Fire & Smoke damage restoration. We also do water proofing and encapsulation. Call 770-557-9033

Peach Cleaners 
Hours: Please call in, locations vary. 
We are US Navy Veteran, local family owned and operated. We are environmentally friendly dry cleaners who love to give back to the community. We also offer FREE pickup and delivery right to your door. We are a proud member of DLI and we have over 25 years of seasoned professionals on-hand to provide meticulous care and handling for your laundry and dry cleaning needs. To schedule a pickup order visit www.peachcleaners.com or call 678-637-2974.

Pet Play Place Kennesaw and Canton 
Hours: 7 am - 7 pm
Doggie daycare and boarding services. We are here if you need us! Call 404-542-7533 or visit www.petplayplace.com

Phone Tech
We are here to fix all your broken electronics, including cell phones, iPhones, tablets, iPad, computers and more. Call 404-464-7795 or visit www.phonetechatlanta.com

Piedmont Roofing
Hours: Monday-Saturday 7 am-7 pm
True neighbors. True roofers. The Piedmont Roofing is different in two distinct ways: our people and our focus. Our Crews and Project Managers have been on our team between 5-20 years. This is completely unique in the roofing industry. We focus on residential, shingle roofing. Not windows, siding, or even metal roofs. We also seek to do everything we do through the lens of being good neighbors. You can trust the quality and integrity at Piedmont Roofing because we aim to leave our neighbors with nothing but delight.Call 404-692-4050.

Pine Enterprises 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 
Pine Enterprises is a family owned and operated company with over 49 years of experience in the back-flow, plumbing and underground utilities installation and maintenance industries. Our internal divisions of residential, commercial and back-flow Device Maintenance cover a wide range of water and sewer needs from the very small job to the very large projects. For more information on services or job opportunities visit www.pineenterprises.com or call 770-614-9664. 

Product QuickStart
Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am-6 pm
We continue to support our clients in the development, design, prototyping, and manufacturing of their products and inventions. We are practicing social distancing, but still happy to talk about your product development, prototyping, and manufacturing needs. Call 404-317-9339 or visit  productquickstart.com.

Radwell International
Hours: Mon. - Friday 7 am - 6 pm; 24 hour emergency service is available
Radwell International is an industrial automation electronic leader in surplus and repair. Full repair facility in Norcross Georgia ready to service any of your electronic needs. Call 636-288-0609 or visit radwell.com

Ragsdale Heating, Air and Plumbing
Hours: Open 24 hours a day
Ragsdale is available for all your heating, air and plumbing needs. Simply call 770-674-6727 or schedule online at RagsdaleAir.com and save 10% on repairs! Call 770443-1821 or visit ragsdaleair.com

RDK Fabrication LLC
Hours: Mon-Fri 7 am-5 pm;  Call anytime
RDK specializes in industrial maintenance and metal fabrication. Thanks to our customers we are staying busy. Call  404-988-5475 or visit Rdkfabrication.com

Recon Home Inspections
Hours: 8 am - 6 pm
Call 470-373-0772 or visit recon-home-inspections-home-inspector.business.site.

Reel Tree LLC 
Hours: M-F 8-5
Everything tree and shrubs. "Integrity In Every Cut". Call 210-606-7026.

Reliable Heating & Air 
If your HVAC, plumbing, or electric equipment is giving you trouble, Reliable Heating & Air is still open for business to help. Visit www.ReliableAir.com or call/text 770-594-9969 for same day availability. 

Reliable Floor Co
Hours: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Installation and refinishing hardwood floors. Call 494-892-7588

Reliable Solutions Atlanta
Hours: 24/7
Reliable Solutions Atlanta is family owned and operated business, with over 20 years of experience in waterproofing and foundation repair. Please contact us for any questions or requests for waterproofing or water damage needs, we guarantee an immediate response and restoration as time is vital when encountering water damage. Call 770-895-2039 or visit www.waterhelpme.com

Remodel Republic - Atlanta Kitchen and Bath
Hours: Mon - Fri. 9 AM-6 PM; Sat.: Appointment Only
Virtual 3D Drawings and Presentations with Experienced Designers! Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, we have created a step-by-step guide to measuring your kitchen or bathroom. This way we can start working on your project without risking possible contamination. Plus, this will help you get an understanding and feel for your design style! We look forward to helping you design a new space! Call 678-395-7060 or visit www.remodelrepublic.com

REX Real Estate 
Save up to 70% selling your home with REX. Sell with REX, buy with REX. For more information visit www.rexhomes.com or call 855-342-4739.

Reynolds Direct
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We are a direct mail marketing company. Call 678-916-4580

Rhino Services, LLC
Hours: Emergency Response 24/7
We are an environmental remediation company that is now providing Covid-19 disinfecting for local businesses and industries. Call 770-487-3449 or visit rhinoservices.com

Rhino Shield 
Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 
Rhino Shield by Georgia Coatings, our painting contractors can make that a reality. Rhino Shield is a low maintenance exterior coating that prevents fading and protects against damage years and comes with a 25-year warranty. Visit www.rhinoshieldga.com for more information and services. 

Riveras Upholstery
Hours: Mon. - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
We are a local upholstery shop here in Cumming Georgia we recover furniture, boats,cars restaurants churches etc...we have been in buisness since 1996..come gives a try....!
Call 770-886-0957.

RMB painting & Construction
Hours: 8 am - 8 pm
We do all Construction big or small. Painting interior and exterior. Let us spruce up your place of Business or your Home. Call 706-765-4958

Rush Tech Solutions, LLC
Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am- 5 pm  (24 x 7 emergency service available.)
Rush Tech Solutions is here to serve all of your SMB IT needs. We are a managed IT service provider offering 24x7 network and machine monitoring, remote computer services, onsite computer repair & service, networking, operating system and software upgrades and installations, and disaster recovery & remediation. Call 470-210-7874 or visit www.rushtechsolutions.com

RS Andrews: Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Electrical, Insulation and Duct Cleaning.
Hours: 24 hours 7 days a week
Family owned and operated serving both residential and commercial customers in Metro Atlanta since 1968! If you have heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical, duct cleaning or insulation needs, call RS Andrews today at 770-454-1800 or visit us at www.rsandrews.com 

Sagon Trucks and Equipment
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. some exceptions for Saturday appointments
Helping our line men, power companies and tree services to stay up and running. Praying for better safer times for all! Call 678-313-8692 or visit sagontrucks.com/

Screens of Georgia
Hours: 8 am - 4 pm
Motorized and fixed screens for patios 
Motorized vinyl panels for patios 
Phantom retractable screen doors 
Awnings Security Shutters. Call 678-455-0105.

Semper Fi Painting and Renovations, LLC 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. 
Military Veteran Owned and Operated! For more information call 678-328-3837.

Hours: 24-Hours/365
Responding during difficult times is what we do, it's who we are and what we know. Right now, during this most unprecedented moment we share with you, we continue to answer the calls of our neighbors who need us most. Call 404-261-2925 or visit servpronorthatlantabuckhead.com

Hours: Open 24 Hours
Shumate is an essential service providing heating, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical and handyman services 24/7/365. When your family can't wait, you can always count on Shumate. Call 770-289-8803 or visit ShumateHome.com

Hours: Available online 24 hours a day
Repair and refinishing of all makes a fine patio furniture. Visit at slingmasters.com and Patiopeople.net. Call 706-367-2604

Smooth Mooove Relocation Services
Hours: Mon. - Friday 9 am - 2 pm
Full service relocation company serving the entire southeast providing clearing, sorting, packing,unpacking, home transport, estate sales and online auctions. Call 404-219-9132 or visit www.WeMoveSeniors.com.

Southeastern Pressure Washing 
Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Email: Customer_service@sepressurewashing.com We are locally family owned business in Canton GA. We pressure wash and soft-wash both residential, new construction, commercial, restaurants, driveways, decks, pool decks, barns, realtors, drive-thru, office parks, churches, playgrounds, sidewalks and more. 

Southeastern Roofing Company
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 8 pm; Sat. 8 am - 5 pm  24 hours for emergencies
Because your home and roof are an extremely high priority, Southeastern Roofing is here to support you during this time. We are considered essential, just like your roof! We offer free roof inspections and will not only supply you with an inspection report, but if we find damage we will even help you with getting your claim approved by your insurance company! Don't stress about roof replacement or repair needs during this time, just call Southeastern and let us take care of you! Call 470-228-0766 or visit www.southeasternroofing.com 

Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Spiffy Bin - Trash Bin Cleaning
Hours: Monday - Saturday 8 am-6 pm
We come to your home To clean sanitize in deodorize your trash and recycle bins. We utilize 190° high pressure water and take all the bacteria laden water with us leaving you no mess! We service up-and-down the 400 corridor from Roswell to Cumming and from Suwanee to Woodstock. Call 855-438-7743 or visit https://www.spiffybin.com/

Specialized Services
Hours: 9-4 Monday-Saturday; Closed on Sunday
We are open and servicing espresso, coffee and tea equipment, we service most brands and residential prosumer units. Call 678-643-5651

Stanton Law
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
At Stanton Law, we are glad to be one of your resources for daily updates on COVID-19's effect on your business. If you have any questions regarding this or any other legal matter, please do not hesitate to contact our experienced Atlanta employment attorneys at 404-531-2341 or online
In response to this crisis, Stanton Law now offers to potential new clients interim, short-term engagements to answer your legal questions. We're happy to arrange for a ½-hour phone/video consultation with an attorney. We may be able to come up with a plan during that conversation and exchange, and it may be all the direction you need, at least for the short term. But when you need us to take on additional work, we'll put in place a formal engagement letter and assign the work to the particular attorney who will be handling the specifics.

Streamline Fabrication, LLC
Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Metal Fabrication and Welding Repair. Accepting applications for welders and welder's helpers. Call 770-388-9199 or visit streamlinefab.com

Sudz Mobile Car Wash & Detailing
Hours: 7 AM- 8 PM
ASK ABOUT THE PREFERRED EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT. CLEAN | SHINE | PROTECT. Military, Retired and Essential Worker Discounts. 25% off. Pressuring Washing Available for homes, business and more.. BOOK APPOINTMENT TODAY! Call 281-889-0115. 

Sump Pump Geeks/Harris Waterproofing 
Hours: Mon - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Address:510 Plantation Park Drive, Bldg A, Loganville, GA 30052. Sump pump service/installation, basement waterproofing, moisture control, mold, dust mites, odors. Visit www.harriswaterproofingatl.com or call 770-282-8212 for more information on services and installation. 

SuperiorPRO, LLC 
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 
We are open for business and supporting you during this time. Hang in there we will will get through this. For information on services provided visit www.superiorpro.com or call 770-642-7170. For job opportunities visit Superior Pro Jobs. 

TAG Electrical
Hours: 7 am-5 pm
TAG were it! Residential,Commercial, Electrical Services. Call 770-371-0555 or visit www.tagelectrician.com 

Techpro Printing inc
Hours: Mon. - Friday 8 am - 4 pm
Open for digital and offset Printing services of all kinds , signs and Banners also. Call 678-887-2802 or visit techproprinting2.com.

Team Roofing and Construction, LLC
Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm; Saturdays: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
For over 35 years, Team Roofing & Construction, LLC has been a name associated with quality and trustworthiness across the Atlanta area. Whatever your home improvement needs may be, you can trust the "Experts from the Attic Up" we get the job done right! Call 404-434-5594 or visit https://teamroofing.com/.

The Flying Locksmiths
Hours: 8:30 - 5 weekdays with 24 hour emergency on-call service
The Flying Locksmiths know that door hardware continues to break, access control and video systems malfunction, and upgrades are always necessary. We are open for business and are ready to assist you to repair, service, and/or upgrade your facilities. During the shutdown is also a great time to get some of those maintenance projects done. Let us know how we can assist. Call 770-235-4799 or visit flyinglocksmiths.com/locations/northeast-ga

The Law Offices of Laura Lanzisera
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am -5:00 pm
The Law Offices of Laura Lanzisera is working hard to support each client's unique workers' compensation needs while protecting you and our team. We're now meeting with our clients by phone or video conference. 
We'll be keeping a close eye on the CDC, US Department of Health & Human Services, and Georgia Department of Public Health updates. We will make adjustments as the main threat of COVID-19 subsides. Our goal is to be part of the solution, helping to limit the spread of COVID-19. Call 770-658-4790 or visit theworkerscompensationlawyer.com/ 

The Pink Plumber
Hours: Monday-Saturday 7:00 am - 8:00 pm; Sunday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm; 24/7 for any emergency
We are open and here for you if you have any need for Plumbing or Septic. We are taking every precaution to keep everyone safe. Please visit our website www.thepinkplumber.com or call 404-391-3721 for any details. Stay safe Atlanta.

The Premier Group/Keller Williams Realty Partners
Hours: 9 am - 7 pm
We are available to assist all buyers and sellers with their real estate needs. Email www.info@tpgsells.com 

The Real Sandy Springs Locksmith
Hours: 9-5 Mon. -Fri.;  Drive up service/ Mobile Service 24/7 Following CDC Recommendations for maintaining distance, and sanitation. Call 404 252 7648.

The Safe Movers
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 24 hr emergency safe openings
We are still open for any Safe or Vault needs, openings, moves etc. Call 770-265-9646 or visit Thesafemovers.com

The Trusted Toolbox
Hours: 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Our team at The Trusted Toolbox has a proven history of helping homeowners in the Metro Atlanta area with home repairs, remodels, and general handyman tasks. Our experts have experience remodeling bathrooms and kitchens, as well as performing small home improvement projects such as deck repairs, door replacements, wood rot repair and many more. Whether you have a small project or large our team can help you with any of the work that you need to be completed. Call 770-623-3097 or visit www.thetrustedtoolbox.com

The Window Store LLC
Hours: Mon - Fri 8 - 5:30;  Sat - 8 - 4
We practice all safety guidelines! If you need an in home quote on our quality window and door products, we can usually quote online. We are also giving customers discounts on our products to help save you money. Check our reviews online and call us at 404-900-8754. STRONGER TOGETHER! www.thewindowstore.net

Tile House of Marietta
Hours: Mon. - Friday 7:30 am - 5 pm
All your tile needs residential or commercial - one stop shop. Call 770-419-9300.

Toco Framing
Hours: Mon-Fri: 10 am - 6 am,  Sat 10 am -5 pm
Call ahead. Call 770-595-3534 or visit tocoframing.com

Traci with an Eye Graphic Design, LLC
Hours: Monday-Friday : 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Graphic designer specializing in print and digital design for small to medium businesses. Call 404-525-9494 or visit traciwithaneye.com

U-Haul Company of Georgia Corporate Locations
Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7 am - 7 pm; Friday 7 am - 8 pm; Sat. 7 am - 7 pm; Sunday 9 am - 5 pm
We are an essential service & open, Covid-19 mindful with Social Distancing Noted on the floors of our Operational Showrooms and ready to serve our customers. Friendly associates during business hours but have both Truck and Storage rentals available 24/7 from our website. Call 502-382-7090 or visit jobs.uhaul.com

UniFirst Corporation
Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Essential Services Business. Call 770-375-5923 or call unifirst.com

Van Elgin Scott Esq. P.C. 
Hours: Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 5:00
We are a Law Firm specialized on Personal Injury, Worker's Comp.,Immigration, Uncontested Divorce and Bankruptcy. Call 404-474-7740

Wade Heating and Air
Hours: Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm
Wade Heating & Air is proud to serve the people of our local community with prompt quality service. We install Rheem products which have industry leading warranties and performance. We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service. Call (770) 281-4485 today to schedule a service appointment or for a free, no-obligation consultation. We'll help determine the perfect system for your home or business. Wade Heating & Air looks forward to hearing from you and adding you to our long list of satisfied customers. Visit https://www.wadeheatingandair.com/

Wiggam & Geer
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM–5:00 PM
We are still working hard to support each client's unique needs, checking for vital IRS and other state letters, and staying on top of deadlines. While there are a few team members in the office, most are working from home. To protect you and our team, we will conduct client and prospective client meetings via phone call for the time being. 
For assistance managing your tax needs during the coronavirus outbreak or any other time, don't hesitate to contact the legal tax professionals at Wiggam and Geer at 404-609-1300 or visit wiggamgeer.com.

Wild Birds Unlimited - Suwanee
Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sunday: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.
We take care of all your outdoor wild birds needs. We bring people and nature together! Call 678-442-9691

Wiley Coyote Services
Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
We are a Veteran Family Owned and operated that specializes in small home repairs to custom home improvements. Call 470-509-1221 or visit Wileycoyoteservices.com

Zerorez of Atlanta 
Hours: Mon - Fri. 7 a.m.- 7 p.m, Sat 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Get 3 Rooms Carpet Cleaned $119 + complimentary disinfecting of common touch surfaces, $50 OFF Air Duct Cleaning + complimentary disinfecting fogging treatment. For more information visit https://www.zerorezatlanta.com/.

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